Making My Skin Even Better

Adult Male Acne: What Can You Do About Your Pimple Problem?

by Virgil Mccoy

Women, teens, and children aren't the only individuals to deal with acne and other skin problems. Some men also struggle with acne and the problems it causes. Adult male acne can show up on the face, chest, back, and buttocks. Learn why you suffer from adult male acne blemishes and how to treat them below.

What Are Possible Reasons for Your Acne?

You're not alone in your fight against the acne on your skin. Many men between the ages of 20 and 50 experience some form of acne (or late onset acne) during their lifetime. The breakouts can be noticeable enough to affect your personal and professional life.

Many factors can make you susceptible to breakouts, including an overabundance of sebum. Sebum is a unique oil secreted by your sebaceous glands to protect your skin from moisture loss, bacteria, injury, and other problems. However, some things can increase your skin's sebum production, including changes in your body's hormones.

The male hormones androgen and testosterone regulate the production and secretion of sebum. If the hormones become overactive, they can stimulate your sebaceous glands to make more sebum. In addition, the stress-related hormones may also stimulate your sebaceous glands to overact. The more stress you experience, the more at risk you become for acne breakouts. 

The factors or possible causes above are just a few things that may cause or aggravate male acne. Other factors may include eating a diet high in carbohydrates and excessive sweating. The bacteria on your skin may potentially lead to clogged pores and blemishes. No matter what the cause of your acne is, it's important that you take steps to treat it.

What Can You Do to Clear Your Skin?

If you haven't consulted with a dermatologist about your pimple problem, it's time to do so now. A dermatologist can provide a number of treatments to clear up your face and body. But before a skin specialist offers the solutions you need, they'll need to know more about your lifestyle, diet habits, and health. 

For example, if you have problems with your hormones, such as high testosterone or stress, tell a dermatologist right away. A skin specialist may refer you to another doctor for hormone testing. If your hormones are high, both doctors can take steps to lower or regulate them.

Also, tell a dermatologist about your daily diet, including what you drink throughout the day. Some men and women experience acne breakouts when they're skin becomes dehydrated. In order to compensate for the lack of hydration, your skin's glands secrete extra sebum. Instead of helping your skin, the extra oil clogs up instead.

A doctor will also want to know more about your skin care regiment after you exercise. A number of men don't shower right after they work out, run, or lift weights. Some men don't change out of their workout gear until hours after they exercise. Damp clothing can allow sweat and bacteria to clog up the pores on your back and chest. Body acne can be very difficult to treat if it isn't addressed right away.

After a dermatologist obtains the information they need about your lifestyle and health, they'll set up a treatment plan. The treatment plan designed for you may include changing your diet and workout habits. You may also need to use specific medications that contain vitamin A, salicylic  acid, and prescription grade benzyl peroxide and other to treat your acne. The medications may come in cream and pill form, depending on your needs

To learn more about the pimples and blackheads on your face and body, contact a dermatologist's office like Belle Meade Dermatologies TN for an appointment. 
